Monday, February 8, 2010

For Reme


Just got done reading your response below. And...was impressed.

You're right about people not reading long posts. I agree (we might be the only two reading our back and forth here...oh, and a friend of mine who doesn't agree with me either and thinks I'm being an you're not the only one who feels that way). One of the great problems of the internet, and this debate in general, is the unwillingness of the average joe to put the time into going deep into the debate.

Perhaps you're right about my not having it both ways with the IPCC. That does seem, to use your phrase, cherry picking. While I don't think they get everything wrong, I do think they make a lot of mistakes. Still, if I'm going to tear on them I'll try in the future not to use them as a measuring stick.

Ah, but regarding their predictive adjustments...can you get me some numbers on how their predictions have changed from report to report? If my memory serves me correctly, I seem to recall they have lowered their predictions over time, not increased them, as the real world has not been heating up as quickly as they imagined. I'll look for those numbers myself while I'm at it.

Finally, I honestly admire the way you stick to your guns on this debate. While I haven't mentioned it thus far, it is something that does not escape me. Reading your posts, it isn't difficult to detect your passion, your anger, your frustration, as well as a host of other emotions. What stands out more than these (at least in my mind) is your dogged determination not to back down.

I respect that. Whatever else we may disagree on here, I genuinely respect and admire that quality in you.

Stick to it.



Reme said...

Thanks Ty that makes me feel better, really :) Give my best to your friend! And I will get those numbers for you.

Love Reme

Nathan J. Sikes, Bl. Arch. said...


It's time that you concede and mention that you are convinced that global warming is man made and should be dealt with but that there is time to do something and we do not need to destroy the common man's economy to make it happen.

Reme is ready for a professional career in the green sciences.