Thursday, October 7, 2010

That Old Spooky Feeling

A week into my favorite month of the year, I feel it is high time to celebrate one of my favorite artists.

October often brings thoughts of Ray Bradbury, that master of fluttering fallen leaves and haunted gusts of wind, but there is another major American artist who deserves attention this time of year: Charles Addams.

Better known now for the movies made from his characters, The Addams Family, Addams' actual comics are sadly neglected. This is most unfortunate given that the films, while funny in their own right, turned Addams' biting, eerie humor into a form of ludicrous ham-it-up escapades. While the movies tickle the funny bone, Addams' comics jolt the gut. They are both funny...and churning.

It is often said that this artist or that is a "one of a kind," by which it is generally meant that an artist is talented, even though their may be a dozen other artists just like them. In Addams' case, the term fits rather well. There are other master cartoon series (I favor Dilbert, Garfield and The Far Side), there is no one who strikes the same balance of humor and queasiness that Addams achieves time and again.

For a taste, here are some of my favorites. If you like, check out Addams' collections Nightcrawlers and Monster Rally.

"Honestly, can't you do anything right?"

"George! George! Drop the keys!"


suzy q said...

Great cartoons Ty!

The M&M Gang...its where its at said...

jokes are a bit twisted..i know that is what appeals to you:) Halloween party theme is Alice in Wonderland if you want to find a rabbit costume..kidding. maybe stef? lym son:)

Whitney Shae said...

October is my favorite month too. But it feels a bit different when you're not experiencing the fall weather or squishing your way through a pumpkin patch.. and don't even get me started about the lack of free candy down here :P

All in all I still love it. Enjoy the Halloween party! It sounds like it will be a blast :)

Reme said...

I just picked up the October Country by Bradbury that you sent me. I read "The Next in Line." He is a master.

I am VP of the English honor society and we are going to host a Halloween event. It is titled Eternal Lives and Afterlives in Fiction. We're going to get together and talk about immortality in literature, why its so fascinating, how it works in a plot...all that good discussion generating stuff. The Addams family might be an interesting addition to the event :) Thanks for the cartoons


SueAnn said...

Are you coming to Dee's Halloween party Ty? You and Steph, I hope so I really want to meet her and of course would love to see my favorite nephew. (Don't let my other favorite nephew Ryan see this) :) Love you. Aunt Sue