Sunday, November 8, 2009

It's My Party & I'll Cry If I Cry If I Want To

It's My Birthday!

I will be born in twenty-two minutes from this post!

Obviously, I'm special, cause I'm not born yet but I can type and put together literate sentences.

No doubt that means I will be primo-attractive too.

If you would like to be present at my birth, please put yourself on the nearest plain, train or automobile and ignore all traffic regulations and flashing lights. You've got 18 minutes (and counting) and if you ain't here to catch the baby you ain't gonna be in the will (exceptions for those present when we did this once before and who posted cute, non-revealing pictures of my childhood at times when I was fully clothed).

Mom has decided to go this without the epidural--obviously I'm being born to a lunatic--so bring your ear plugs and don't forget your gloves. I like to make an entrance, so it's likely this won't be pretty.

As for ground rules:

No smacking my ass.

No comments about the size of my penis.

And only qualified surgeons get to use the scalpel.

Ah! 14 minutes!


I'm on the way!


SueAnn said...

You are tooooooo funny my wonderful young nephew! Hope your re-birth was as memorable for you as your birth was for me. :) HAPPY 26TH BIRTHDAY!

Reme said...

Haha :) Happy Birthday! Glad to have you in the world, with or without the epidural (I'm sure your mom would agree?)

Dee said...

Well, that was fun. Happy Birth Day #26 Ty. I love and appreciate you. Aunt Dee

suzy q said...

Love you!!

Nathan J. Sikes, Bl. Arch. said...
