Tuesday, June 9, 2009

New Stephen King Short Story

I've decided my new goal in life is to be so influential as a writer that they one day write my name in paint on the naked body of the most beautiful woman in the world. This strikes me as a worthy life's goal.

This new story by Stephen King is fantastic. No supernatural stuff here, and not a horror story either. King's range has always been wide and far, and for those unaware of it this story is a fine example.

King's writing is sharp and to the point, and he moves the story forward in brisk, compelling fashion. His short stories in recent years have not generally had the flair, control and power of his earlier stories (with exceptions, such as much of the work in Everything's Eventual), but Morality puts to bed any question as to whether or not he still has it in him to craft superb short work.

Better buy it now, though. Probably won't be on the shelf for long.

1 comment:

The Best Years said...

Hmmm I have seen the cover of that magazine. I may have to read the story. Haven't read Stephen KIng in ages. Give Whit a call Ty she would love to hear from you.