Thursday, February 19, 2009

The New Jane Austen

Hollywood has been in the throes of Jane Austen remakes for some time now, scoring again and again with adaptations of Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and the endless and annoying run of Jane Austen wannabees...The Jane Austen Book Club, Becoming Jane, and in 2010 the debut of Jane Austen Handheld.

What all of this amounts to is a lot of poor saps getting drug to movie theatres to endure hours of torture so they can tell their girlfriend's that yes, of course they love romance, of course they like the cute and the cuddly, of course they value intimacy over sex. Gee, who doesn't?

Now though, director Will Clark is adding a new Austen film to the oeuvre, a film that every man can take his sweetheart to and fully enjoy.


The New York Times raves the film will juxtapose "...brooding aristocrats with a brutal alien that lands in the 1800's-era Britain, attacking residents and leaving them with neither sense nor sensibility."

Mr. Clark is a friggin genius.


The Best Years said...

Not sure where you are coming from on this one, I for one love the Jane Austen novels, movies and the era. I don't think women drag men at all to these movies. In fact when Reme, Whitney and I attended there were mostly women in the theatre. It is nice to have something lovely, sweet, romantic, beautiful to watch for a change. Have you seen how many movies showcase murder, horror (Saw 5 comes to mind) there are? Give me romance and something sweet and cuddly any day. I am reading your short story this weekend. Love you Ty. Aunt Sue

Reme said...

Uhh...are you serious? Is that really a movie? You've got be pulling my leg. And I think you would have to drag the girls to that one, not the other way around. Aliens and Austen...yuck. Mr. Darcy rules!

Reme said...

Okay, now this comment is for your story.

I just finished reading it, and I found it very compelling. You had me fooled right until the very end. I really thought Miguel and Tatia would be stronger in the end for her mistake. On the other hand, Miguel's smile should have tipped me off. Also, Tatia's thoughts "Seeing is believing" well, thats not how faith is supposed to work is it? Especially if you love someone.

My favorite part was how you described Tatia's feelings after encountering Miguel two months later. I could feel her dizzy confusion like it was my own. I also loved their trek through the woods, and the way the trees are described as a buried giant with only his finger bones visible. Very clear and beautiful image.

Overall, I really enjoyed it, although normally I don't go in for stories where people cheat and lie and then die. Proof of a successful short story. I think you should keep them coming.

Love Reme

The Best Years said...

Good story Ty! I was hooked and had no idea what was going to happen till he actually stabbed her. Pretty high price to pay for infidelity though. I agree with Reme, keep em coming! Love ya. Aunt Sue

Lina A. Sikes said...

I love watching Jane Austen movies, by myself or with the girls, and reading the books. But only her stories, the fringe stuff I think of as inspirations.

I see her work as satire, a kind of fun critical look at the sociocultural makeup of that class and those times. But I have always sought out works like Jane Eyer, ( and another English writer whose name escapes me at the moment), when I am looking for something with more content from that era. So actually, I thought this idea of darkening up the Jane Austen world a good one, a little bit of not so nice with the nice?? And I have seen a couple of old BBC versions that do this, bring in the goth and all. But aliens?? Well, it might be good for a laugh. And that is what I like best about Austen so I think she might even have approved! Anybody want to go see it with me??

Whitney Shae said...

Charlotte Bronte Lina :)

Interesting meshing of two opposite spectrums. Glad it wont ever truly exist.