Friday, December 4, 2009

A Little Bit of Dickens

The NY Times has displayed an interactive viewer of Charles Dickens' manuscript (the one and only manuscript) of A Christmas Carol. It is generally under lock and key all the year round, given that there are no other copies.

Here you can see the first page, beginning the famous tale. "Marley was dead: to begin with."

And you can check out the rest of the manuscript and zoom in and out to your feverish heart's delight at:

1 comment:

Lina A. Sikes said...

Really hard to read the original just because the hand writing is hard to decipher, but what I could read was fun. I think an unedited copy in print would be worth finding and reading.
Funny, its always been one of my favorite Christmas tales, I'm sure that's the case for many. I was reading one of Sherman Alexi's new books at the bookstore in town and I think I just like writers who kind of talk to the reader about their thoughts on social issues, you know, social commentary but in a very informal personal way? I don't have the vocabulary to say what I am trying to say without run on sentences anymore!!
Anyway, I'm glad I finally walked in there, they have a cozy place to sit and read. Riverwalk Books is it?

Hope classes are going well. I am probably not going to be able to go through with my school plans yet again. But I am glad I went as far as I did and registered, at least I know when the time comes, I can do what it takes to get myself where I need to be.

Excited for the holidays and seeing everyone. Thanks for the link, I love old literature!